Like you and me, cows are physically more stressed when it is hot. Somatic cell counts in milking dairy cows are a signal to dairy producers that an immune response is occurring. Add the influence of stress hormones and changes in cow behavior, the result is often an increase in environmental mastitis.
It’s important to keep stalls clean, provide good fly control and provide plenty of water for your cows.
Source: American Agriculturist, July 23, 2020. Link. The author offers 5 steps to reduce heat stressors and lower somatic cell counts:
- Keep beds clean and dry
- Manage fans and sprinklers
- Keep flies under control
- Provide training on good milking practices
- Provide lots of clean water
INSIGHTS: Dairy persons all know this right? Probably, but most can’t recite these factors easily. Plus, they are hot and stressed, too. Like athletes returning to summer camp ahead of fall sports, reminding dairy producers of these five basics may help avoid untoward effects of summer heat. The infographic is a nice piece to share.