Behavioral problems are a significant factor in pets not being retained. Biting and nipping complaints are among the more common ones. There are things you can do to manage a nippy puppy until your it outgrows this important developmental stage. Animal health pros can share these tips in blog posts, new pet kits, newsletters and social media. If you sell chew toys, consider displaying a copy near the display.
Source: Whole Dog Journal, May 2017.
Here is a list of things you can recommend to keep skin, clothes, and other belongings intact while puppies works through the biting phase:
- Get lots of chew toys.
- Introduce your pup to “latch ropes.”
- Redirect your pup to a “legal” object to bite.
- Toss his treats on the floor.
INSIGHTS: Preparation is key to reduce the impact of the biting phases of puppy development.