It takes time to see where Dr. Andy Roark is going with this metaphor. Considering we’re nearing the end of the first quarter of 2016, we need to see how well we have been taking care of our dog team. All animal health pros should heed the wisdom here and consider if it is time to rotate our dogs.
Source: Dr. Andy Roark, September 15, 2015.
On your first day working with pets, you are given four gifts. Three are dogs; one is a sled. The gifts are given so that Life can take us on a meaningful journey. We can experience the thrill of our three dogs working together, thriving, and covering new ground with exuberance. Life can be exhilarating, and the passage on it consequential and rewarding. Those who love, feed, and exercise all three of our dogs have an amazing trip with Life, and we experience these joys. When we neglect one or more of our dogs, we are limited in where Life can take us and how rewarding and exciting the journey can be. It takes all three dogs to pull the sled.