“The sky is falling, the sky is falling,” proclaimed Henny Penny (also known as Chicken Little) in the famous Danish children’s story. Henny Penny had an anxiety attack and emotionally ran hither and yon after an acorn fell on her head.
Fast forward to 2020. . . Ana Hotling brings us a more modern day look at chicken emotions flock keepers may observe on a day to day basis. She references four examples of emotional—and cognitive—behaviors backyard birds experience that may help animal health pros explain issues with backyard breeders:
- Frustration
- Empathy
- Scheming and manipulation
- Anticipation
Source: Hobby Farms, August 19, 2020. Link. While many of us are aware that companions such as dogs and cats exhibit a wide range of emotions, the fact that chickens are intelligent, emotionally sophisticated animals surprises many poultry farmers.
Also see: The Sky Is Falling! Maybe! “Henny Penny” or “Chicken Little” TOR.com. Link.