Lesley Seymour faced her fears and announced to her world that she had turned 60 years old. She shares some fears and perspective that many animal health pros face or will face in the next few years. She says her research suggests the “60s” is the happiest decade, yet for many it represents an uncharted path and a definite change in career paradigms.
Source: The Muse, June 20, 2017.
Anyone who’s walked the corridors of corporations knows the truth: that once you cross 50 you notice that the air near the top of your profession begins to thin out, and you might even be the only one in your age group left in your division. The staff working around you starts looking noticeably younger, and you start to worry that when times get tough and management is hankering for a speedy Q4 downsize that the salary you killed yourself to attain could be a big red bullseye.