Rarely a day goes by without seeing content aimed at animal protein sources. Every animal health pro has a vested interest in animal protein production whether for your table at home or in the dish for pets. NAMI’s newest initiative, the Protein PACT is setting out to provide the necessary proof to secure and sustain consumer trust in the animal protein industry. PACT … [Read more...]
Archives for November 2021
The climate crisis: Reducing pets’ environmental pawprints
There is a lot of coverage these days about addressing sustainability and carbon footprints. Livestock production has been heavily targeted, as has fossil fuel consumption and automotive emissions. The real challenge is understanding the total carbon cost from inception to the ultimate destroying of an item and its residual waste. In this article by Adam Green, pet food … [Read more...]
VetWatch™ then and now shows continued growth
Providing consistent data on practice visits and revenues, the VetWatch™ weekly insight reports and commentary brings practices and industry a perspective on demand, especially in the pet segments. We’ve linked to the current report and the report from a year ago. Take a few minutes to compare these commentaries. We’ve come a long ways in the past 12 months!” Source: Vet … [Read more...]
Worth a Glance – November 17, 2021
Last week’s. . . . . . most read post We’re overfeeding like crazy. Link. . . . AHD Bulletin Animal Health Digest Bulletin – November 11, 2021. Link. . . . Posts from one year ago Archived posts from November 2020. Link. Why do animals hibernate? Source: Trivia Genius, November 12, 2021. Link. Bears may be the most famous hibernators, … [Read more...]
Younger stock love grooming brushes, too
Access to grooming brushes for lactating cows shows they help reduce stress, keep animals cleaner and limit injuries. They also limit damage to facilities caused by cows that otherwise rub their heads and bodies on gates, pen walls and edges of feed and water troughs. New research says the same goes for young calves as well. The study, published in the Journal of Dairy … [Read more...]
Systemic inflammation in pre- and post-partum cows
Although excessive inflammation is bad, the results of a University of Guelph study revealed why some inflammation at calving is positive. The key is discovering the balance between healthy and excessive inflammation, according to Barry J. Bradford, PhD. Inflammation is needed to drive the birthing process, and we also think it’s important for aiding in the metabolic … [Read more...]
Dos and don’ts at a cattle truck accident (infographic)
Whether during a cross-country trip or inner-city commute, animal health pros may find themselves at the scene of a cattle transport trailer accident. The prioritization at large animal emergencies is: human safety, animal safety, then property. Let first responders attend to the medical needs of injured people first. Think human safety over animal rescue. Containment, … [Read more...]
Preparing cattle for transport saves time, money and stress
Every year after harvest, millions of cattle are trucked to graze crop residue, get to winter pasture or to be put in dry lots. With current challenges in the trucking industry, reviewing best practices is appropriate. . . .several factors should be considered when cattle are being transported. These include loading conditions, time in transit, weather conditions, comingling, … [Read more...]
Dead sows are co$tly
Complimentary Commercial Content Sow mortality has nearly doubled in the past 15 years to approximately 13 percent. Ron Ketchum estimates a midpoint cost of $1,125 per dead sow. This amounts to an estimated $2.25 per pig weaned in incremental production cost. Source: The Pig Site, November 11, 2021. Link. Also see: Sow to sales: mortality breakdowns, National Hog … [Read more...]
Grackles could expose humans, pets to parasites
Areas where grackles congregate should be avoided by pets. Contact with grackle feces can expose pets and humans to organisms that cause disease, including salmonella, roundworms and West Nile virus, according to a study from the College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences at Texas A&M University. Source: San-Antonio Express News, September 26, 2018. Link. … [Read more...]
Heated waterers keep poultry water from freezing
Commercial Content A heated chicken waterer can help make winter care a little easier for poultry keepers. The author shares some popular styles of heated chicken waterers. They are simple to use, plug into a standard electrical outlet, and are inexpensive to run. Source: Backyard Poultry, November 15, 2021. Link. … [Read more...]
Diagnosing and treating itchy horses
Pruritus remains challenging for veterinarians to diagnose and treat. It is a broad issue in horses that encompasses a wide range of causes. Management and prevention are key to the welfare of affected horses. Alexandra Beckstett summarizes a presentation by Janet Littlewood, BVSc (Hons), MA, PhD, DVD, DVR, MRCVS, on the three main culprits of pruritus in horses: … [Read more...]
Should you pet your dog before an absence?
Older advice not to pet dogs before going out is not supported by a new study. The pilot study results suggest that petting a dog before a brief separation from the owner may have a positive effect, making the dog calmer during the separation itself. Further studies are needed to analyze more about petting’s effectiveness, especially in dogs affected by separation … [Read more...]
How to get that pill down
The best medicine can’t help if your dog won’t take it, says Ernie Ward, DVM. He shares less intimidating and more compassionate methods of pilling a dog than simply shoving a pill down the dog’s throat. Source: Dogster, October 28, 2021. Link. Regardless of your approach, always observe your dog until you’re certain the meds are on their way to the stomach. INSIGHTS: We … [Read more...]
Feline thyroid problems linked to household chemicals
New research suggests that chemicals found in upholstery and carpeting could harm feline thyroids. The chemicals are called per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). They were in common use until about 2000 in furniture, floor coverings and clothing because of their ability to repel water and oil. It is imperative to better understand how these persistent chemicals might … [Read more...]
Connecting the gut to the skin
The skin is an important immune organ with functions that include barriers against foreign antigens, sensory perception, reproduction and antimicrobial action. Amelia White, DVM, MS, DACVD, shares some of the important ways nutrition plays a role in dermatological diseases. Source: Veterinary Practice News, August 2021. Link. Scaling skin, alopecia, and skin infections may … [Read more...]
Evolving wisdom on feline housing
Cats have unique kennel and containment needs, according to nearly 15 years of research from around the world. Their tendency to develop upper respiratory conditions when stressed has been the catalyst for retrofitting traditional kennels. When given more space and choice, cats stay healthier. Source: Veterinary Practice News, November 2021. Link. … [Read more...]
Top 5 holiday dangers for pets
Holiday decorations are appearing worldwide. Pet owners will appreciate reminders about commonly found holiday dangers for pets as they gather or travel for celebrations. Jenifer Chatfield, DVM, and twin brother Jason Chatfield, DVM, share five top holiday dangers: Out-of-town guests; people and their pets Holiday decorations; tinsel, ornaments and seasonal plants … [Read more...]
Deliver on what you promise
How good is your do-to-say ratio? Adam Bryant says the right balance is heavy on follow-through and reliability. Those who have it will go far in life. Reliability goes to the heart of what it means to be a team player. It removes the hierarchy of an org chart and acknowledges that everyone relies on one another to achieve a goal.” - Paula Long Source: Strategy + Business, … [Read more...]
IBPSA Fast Bites – November 15, 2021
New AVMA journals website launched, managing feline stress, email authentication to get more emails through, Apple’s new subscription service for small businesses, IBPSA is migrating to a new association management software system, new learning management system and more . . . Source: IBPSA Fast Bites, November 15, 2021. Link. … [Read more...]
Receiving feedback is hard, especially when it stings
Even criticism that is intended only to be helpful, that is phrased kindly, and is genuinely useful, often stings when it is delivered, writes Art Markman. It is a blow to your self-confidence, and it challenges your self-esteem. You have to suppress the urge to go on the defensive. . . “- Art Markman Source: Fast Company, October 1, 2021. Link. When you get a really incisive … [Read more...]
Body language expert explains how to show confidence
Confidence is an important element of successful communication. We are now reengaging face to face after months of isolation and virtual interactions. Face masks are now removed in certain situations. Our body language either projects confidence or the lack of it. Former FBI agent and body language expert Joe Navarro explains how we can project confidence through our body … [Read more...]
Decision making made clear
This simple rule of decision making is founded on principles of emotional intelligence, the ability to understand and manage your emotions. Source: Inc. October 29, 2021. Link. Never make a permanent decision based on a temporary emotion.” INSIGHT: Certainly, think through your decision before acting but do not get caught up in analysis-paralysis. … [Read more...]
Does appearance still proclaim us?
A study of pet owner perceptions offers insight on how appearance influences first impressions of animal health professionals. Professional medical attire and consistency among staff members was noted in the key takeaways. Shakespeare, Mark Twain and Henry Ward Beecher all wrote about the importance of attire. Clothes and manners do not make the man; but, when he is made, … [Read more...]
How technology is hurting our eyes
Providing animal health services would be difficult without our vision. Personal issue? Yes, but employers need to consider how to keep all the eyes healthy too. Gazing at digital screens can cause wide-scale side effects deep inside the eye. When there is continuous blue light exposure on the retina, the photosensitive area can get damaged. Many individuals use devices like … [Read more...]
Pet Age introduces pet industry’s 2021 Power 50 list
In its inaugural Power 50 list, Pet Age recognizes the people whose vital work has made a substantial impact on the pet market. Note the cross section of businesses represented. The criteria were simple: Identify the people influencing the pet care community in positive ways, whether they be company leaders, heads of organizations or officials whose decisions affect the pet … [Read more...]
Worth a Glance – November 11, 2021
Last week’s. . . . . . most read post Cost of veterinary care concerns consistent among generations. Link. . . . AHD Bulletin Animal Health Digest Bulletin – November 4, 2021. Link. . . . Archives Archived AHD posts for October 2021. Link. This 11-year-old is helping hard-to-place dogs in shelters get attention – and find new … [Read more...]
Pandemic coronavirus is widespread in Iowa deer
About 80 percent of Iowa deer tested between late November 2020 and early January were infected with the pandemic coronavirus according to a New York Times report. The deer picked up mutations and variants in similar patterns to humans across the state, suggesting humans passed infections to deer multiple times. The rapid rise in the prevalence of infections indicates … [Read more...]
Tackling listeriosis on the farm
Listeriosis is a bacterial disease caused by the bacteria Listeria monocytogenes. It is present everywhere in the environment and survives well in moist soil for about one year. A synopsis explaining the infection path of Listeria and how farmers can keep the infection at bay is provided here written by Clare Holmes from Northern Ireland’s Agri-Food and Biosciences … [Read more...]
10 early interventions to rescue sick calves
Scours and pneumonia are the twin challenges of every calf raiser, especially heading into winter. However, early detection along with proven interventions, will help many calves pull through temporary setbacks and thrive. . . . supportive care is more valuable than antibiotics.” - Pamela Ruegg, DVM, MPVM Source: Dairy Herd Management, November 3, 2021. Link. Develop … [Read more...]