The Animal Health Digest teams offers a sincere “thank you” for your readership and support the past two years.
Our mission to “read for the animal health industry” remains in place. Each week, we scour more than 200 print and digital media sources for information relevant to animal health professionals at all levels. Our selections are delivered Thursday mornings via email in the AHD BULLETIN.
The objectives for content we post include:
- The information is actionable in day to day activities for any person who meets with or services an animal owner
- Articles contain personal or team interactions, recommendations or methods
- Industry initiatives or changes that impact the ways we do business
- Information that animal owners/consumers may receive that influences the way they interact with animal health pros about health decisions for their animals
- Something animal-related that is comical, pictorial or light in nature – for fun!
Source: Animal Health Digest, October 12, 2017. We select content that is timely and current for animal health professionals. The definition of an animal health pro is broad, including:
- Veterinary hospital teams; DVMs, Veterinary Nurses/Techs, Practice Managers, etc.
- Manufacturers’ marketing, sales and leadership
- Distributors’ sales, leadership and marketing
- Retailers’ leadership and location associates
- Various organizational listings